July % 6 %% at % Net % Results % Sports % Center Sessions :% 10:00712:30 %&% 2:0074:30 % pm Talent % Showcase :% 6:0079:00 % pm
>'' What :%% Have % you % dreamed % of % being % coached % by % a % top % collegiate % coach % or % a % % former % NaTonal % Team % player ?% If % the % answer % is %“ yes ”,% sign7up % TODAY !%
>'' Who :'% Day % Sessions % are % created % for % high % school % ONLY .% However ,% if % space % is % % available ,% 8th % graders % will % be % considered .% Space % is % limited % to % 100 % players :% % 20 % se _ ers ,% 20 % liberos / DS ,% 40 %% six7rotaTon % players % and % remaining % 20 % players % % from % front7court % posiTons .
>'' When :'% July % 6 %–% Session % 1 :% 10:00712:30 % pm % and % Session % 2 :% 2:0074:30 % pm ;%%%%%%%%%% % Talent % Showcase :% 6:0079:00 % pm %( OPEN % to % college % coaches % to % observe )%
>'' Why :'% Be _ er % preparaTon % for % upcoming % HS % Team % Camp % and % season ;% up % to % % 5 % hours % of % training % by % college % coaches % in % ONE % day % as % well % as % Showcase !%
>''' Cost :'% Price %$ 160 % for % THE % day %( 2 % Skills % Training % Sessions % and % Talent % % Showcase )% or %$ 60 % per % session % or %$ 75 % for % Talent % Showcase .%%
% Early ' registraCon % with % FULL % payment %($ 160 )% by % May % 15 % includes % Talent % % Showcase .% If % you % register % ajer % May % 15 ,% single % rate % for % each % session % and % % Talent % Showcase % applies .
>'' How ' to ' register :%% Email % info @ brvc . com % for % registraTon % form % and % return % it % % with % deposit % before % 5 / 15 / 2013 % if % space % available % and % profiles % must % be % % received % for % final % confirmaTon .% Please ) visit ) our ) website ) to ) download ) registra ' on ) form ) ) and )) to ) review ) details .) You ) may ) email ) for ) registra ' on / flyer ) to :)
) rnn @ college4boundcoachesnetwork . com ) or ) info @ brvc . com ) www . college4boundcoachesnetwork . com
Talent ' Showcase ' is ' OPEN ' to ' anyone ' who ' is ' ages ' 14718 .' Space ' is ' limited ' based ' on ' numbers ' registered ' for ' the ' Day ' Sessions .' Late ' registraCon ' will ' be ' considered ' May ' 15 ' and ' aFer '( if ' space ' available ).
Lead ' Clinicians :% Molly % Alvey ,% Cincinna ';) Penny % Lucas7White ,% Alabama ) State ;% Terry % Condon ,) UMass4Boston Court ' Trainers :' Marci % Sanders ,% UTD ;) Christy % Clawson ,% Concordia ) University ;% Natalie % Rawson ,% Newman ) University ;) Deitre % Collins7Parker ,) San ) Diego ) State ;% Nicole % Miller ,) Cincinna ';) Steve % Vencl ,% Cincinna ';) Valerie % Armstrong ,% Alabama ) State ;) Michelle % Osunbur ,% Alabama ) State ;) Mike % Houilihan ,) UMass4Boston ;) Michael % H .% Denardo ,) Texas ) Wesleyan ) University .))))))))) ) C7BCNE ' Founder ' and ' Director :)% Ruth % N .% Nelson %( www . lvclub . org )
Register ' TODAY '–' post7mark ' your ' non7refundable ' deposit ' to ' reserve ' one ' of ' the ' remaining ' spots ! ' Space ' is ' limited ' so ' register ' by ' mail ' by ' sending ' in ' registraCon ' form '&' waiver ' TODAY !
Late % registraTon % will % be % put % on % a % waiTng % list !% For % further % informaTon ,% contact :% info @ brvc . com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
C7BCNEC ' is ' an ' approved ' program ' of ' brvc ,' LLC / LVC '©' 200772013 ' brvc ,' LLC .'' All ' rights ' reserved .'( revised ' 5.27.13 )
© 2007-2013 brvc , LLC . All rights reserved . 4