River Life 2018 March | Page 3

Meet Tommy Q: What do you do at Mills River United Methodist Church? A: I am the new Director of Music. Q: How long have you ministered at MRUMC? A: Just started. Q: Could you tell us about your family? A: I have three beautiful girls: Olive, age 9; Edie Jane, age 6; and Kit, age 4. Q: Do you love or hate roller coasters? A: I LOVE roller coasters! I don’t yell on them, but I do uncontrollably laugh! Q: What are your top two favorite books and why? A: Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. Rob challenges my faith in a new way. He takes ordinary situations and turns them into thought- provoking God-isms. Also, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Lee grasps the way the south used to be and in some ways still is. It truly makes you think about character, love for others and compassion all while reading a very enjoyable book. Q: What is your favorite season and why? A: I love fall. The leaves are turning, drives in the country (and now for me, the mountains) seem to be a display of God's handiwork. Q: What’s your favorite sport to watch and why? A: I love the GA Bulldogs - THEY ARE AWESOME! Q: Who knows you best? A: I would say my mom knows me best. Q: If you were called to serve a mission (other than what you are doing) where would you most like to serve? A: I am not sure exactly where I would like to serve, but I know that I would need to work hands on with people — serving. I would be very happy painting or other labor type mission or just being a companion for a lonely person. Q: What was your first job? A: My first job was when I was in high school. I was the organist at First Christian Church in Sandersville, Georgia. Q How do you spend your free time? A: In my free time, I practice my keyboarding skills, reading, finding cool spots for a meal Q: Where are yo u from? A: I grew up in Sandersville, Georgia. Our organization for Missions Monthly in March is Safelight, a nonprofit agency in Henderson County that provides support for survivors of interpersonal violence, sexual assault and child abuse. They provide needs in regards to mental health, substance abuse, employment and housing. Safelight offers a broad range of services, provided by staff and over 100 dedicated volunteers. We will be collecting colored paper of all kinds, glue sticks/ bottes, washable paint, and stickers. A collection area is set up by the Children’s Sunday School classrooms.