Risk & Business Magazine Cain Insurance Fall 2016 | Page 31


Helping Kids Get Involved In Saving The Environment

Ducks Unlimited Canada

In June 1996 , Ducks Unlimited Canada ( DUC ) opened the Ducks Unlimited Conservation Centre on the banks of the St . John River . And on September 22 , 2016 , DUC officially launched its 20th anniversary campaign . Joined by close to one hundred supporters , DUC showed off its plans to enhance the building and its education programs . DUC staff also presented major donors , including Great-West Life and Cain Boyer Benefits Group , with special recognition to thank them for their support to the campaign .

“ The Conservation Centre is an important place for New Brunswickers , and it wouldn ’ t have been built without the support of volunteers , donors and the community ,” said Kevin Harris , DUC senior director and vice president of the board . “ That ’ s why it ’ s so fitting the community is again helping us enhance the centre in this next phase of its life .”
Our main job at the Conservation Centre is to teach young people about the value of wetlands . We do this largely through various hands-on activities and teaching in our classrooms , but nothing can beat actually spending time in the wetlands . That ’ s why plans for updates to the building include an outdoor restored education wetland , a new state-of-the-art tank for the centre ’ s mascot , George the Turtle , new classroom technology , updated education programs and much more .
From the downstairs classroom , visitors can walk out onto the stone patio and , soon , the new wetland next to the river . With a new pond on site , students visiting the Conservation Centre will be able to go critter dipping and learn all about wetland ecosystems and the creatures that live in them . Kids who learn at an early age how to protect wetlands and why we should will grow up to be the ecosystem ’ s fiercest protectors . They ’ ll be more likely to support government policy that protects the wetlands and become lifelong environment lovers .
The best part of this learning process is that it creates passion . And passion is infectious . Our hope is that , if we can get kids to love the wetlands , they ’ ll go home and rave about it to their friends , their parents , and other
members of their family . Then those people will develop an interest in the wetlands and do their part to help protect them .
Anyone who ’ s ever spent any time at the centre can tell you : it ’ s a very special place . It offers stunning views of the river and downtown Fredericton , has trees full of songbirds and people walking and biking on the trail and is home to kids having fun and getting dirty while learning about nature . No one leaves without feeling a little more connected to New Brunswick ’ s wetlands , wildlife and wild places .
We ’ re excited about this next phase in our education program : inspiring more young people to become conservation leaders , bringing people together in support of wetland conservation , and becoming an even bigger part of New Brunswickers ’ lives . +
Chelsea Murray is the Atlantic region communications specialist for Ducks Unlimited Canada . www . ducks . ca
FALL 2016 | 31