RISE, A Modern Guide for the Purpose Driven Woman Winter 2014 | Page 30

Ready, Set, GO! Simple tips to starting your year with intention & focus: restore ri-stor/ verb bring back (a previous right, practice, custom, or situation); reinstate. synonyms: reinstate, bring back, reinstitute, reimpose, reinstall, reestablish Maybe what we need to do is take that re-part off of everything for 2014. Why do we want to do it over? The mistakes we made, the leaps we didn’t take, maybe a few we did… life isn’t about do-overs! It’s about every single day being a fresh slate. Every single moment is an opportunity to do it differently or better or bigger. Conversely, perhaps it’s time to slow down? Maybe last year was a roller coaster, or bumper cars, or slow as freakin molasses. I am not a huge fan of mapping out your life for years to come. I do believe in designing the life you want now. So here is my proposal: 1. Take the re- off the words. This year, treat yourself. Don’t retreat. Charge ahead! Choose something new. Not renew. New NEW! Store… I don’t know, new shoes? Don’t reinstate anything. State what you want, who you are, and what you intend to do. 2. Show up. For yourself, for those you love, and for those that you haven’t met yet. Trust me… do it and you will see how that works. 3. Digital detox. Maybe you can’t commit to weekends away from the buzz, but set some limits for yourself and your precious sanity. In 2013, I stopped sleeping with my iPhone under my pillow. That was big people! 2014… my goal is stop reading the news on my phone as soon as I open one eyeball each morning. {The iPhone now has its own pillow.} 4. Take time away to clear the mechanism. I don’t just mean social media. I mean everything – no work, no laundry, no schedules. Time away. Maybe the islands aren’t an option… swap homes with a friend for a week! Just get into a clear headspace and allow the creativity to breed. 5. No more rearview mirror. Focus on what lay ahead. All the road behind you is a part of your journey, but is not your destination. Set your eyes on the horizon. 6. We are faced with tough choices every single day, at work, at home and with all of those in our daily lives. It is easy to over-think things, to make emotional choices and/or to psych ourselves out. I encourage you to draw on this one thought when in those moments, remembering that you are part of the equation: #lovewins. 7. Last but not least… Have FUN! For the love of all things holy, life is meant to be enjoyed. Get out there and start a new friendship, meet a new love, find more to laugh at. Go on now…