RISE, A Modern Guide for the Purpose Driven Woman Spring 2014 | Page 62

have no idea what I wanted to talk to him about, I just wanted out of that cell for a minute. The guard took me to a little room down below “the stacks”. I felt alive and happy to walk down some stairs and see anything other than my closed in room. I appreciated openness and the largeness of the room. I noticed how good SPACE felt to me. This is the beginning of Day Two. of toilet paper in my pocket were not even ENOUGH...I needed MORE balls of toilet paper now. I asked when I could call someone. He said you get out everyday for 1 hour and there are 3 phones for about 200 women to use. He advised me to get to a phone quickly and he sent me back to my grey cinderblock home. Dinner came at 4:30. I asked the guard when we would be allowed The Sergeant sat behind a large out for our hour. No day room desk and I am certain now in today. Everyone is on lock. Lock retrospect that he only saw me can happen for any reason at any because as I had entered jail the time. I generally saw that lock day before, unbeknownst to me, occurred for a made up reason there was a lot of media coverwhen lazy guards were on duty. age...this would probably be a They are always understaffed, good conversation piece for him squeezing out those profits, so and his buddies over beers later. maybe lock happens when a He asked what I needed and if I guard calls out of work. Whatevwas having an issue with another er the reason for lock it is always inmate and wanted to go to PC. I conveyed as though the inmates said no I wasn’t havin