RISE, A Modern Guide for the Purpose Driven Woman Spring 2014 | Page 52

C All the residents that were home had their doors sprawled open. an you recall the days of the milk man? You know, the guy who delivered the ice-cold dairy delish- To say I was a bit shocked and ness right to your doorstep? amazed would be an understatement. This was clearly a place And because your neighbors were where people knew their neighso great, they refrigerated said bors. There was a trust, a knowlmilk in their ice box in concern edge and a welcome home type of that yours would go bad as it mentality. I think it would be safe waited on your doorstep in the to say that if anything or anyone sweltering summer heat? No? happened to be out of place, everyone would know it. These Me either. people from the outside looking in seemed like good neighbors; If you’re like me, the first thing the type who would bring over an that triggers in your mind when apple pie, bowl of chicken noodle you hear about a good neighbor soup or offer up that cup of sugar. is probably the infamous States Farm slogan, “ Like a good neigh- So that begs the question, what bor, State Farm is there!” would it look like to live as a good neighbor to those around us? But what does it look like to be What would it take or cost us? a good neighbor, to be an active part of your street, town, or sphere Let’s take a quick step back and be of influence? brutally honest, I’m anything but a good neighbor. I mean I try to be Today I had the privilege of gobut I have miles upon miles to go. ing to visit a friend who lives in a quaint neighborhood who has When a family moved in across been suffering from a dizzying the street, I had every intention of illness. As I wrestled my todinviting them over for dinner and dler from his car seat, grabbed being hospitable. Needless to say, her meal, and made my way up it took me two months to bake the walkway, I couldn’t help but them a tray of brownies as their notice that this neighborhood was welcome present to the neighbornoticeably different. How? hood. Two months! written by Vonae DeyShawn But isn’t that exactly what it means to be a good neighbor? A good neighbor allows herself to be inconvenienced. To stop for a moment in her busy day to say hello, to inquire about the others well being and simply listen. She sees a need and actually meets it. She loves those annoying children who continually play with her garden statues, purposely relocating them in an effort to get under her skin. If only their parents would discipline them! This type of living reminds us to “Love our neighbors as ourselves.” Wait, what? How are we supposed to love those who live next door to us, down the street from us, or in our community as we would love ourselves? It’s easy to get along with ourselves; we aren’t the annoying, noisy, opinionated, needy ones. As it so happens, I live on a main street that is one of the hubs for entering and exiting our quaint little village. Unfortunately, for a woman who being a “good neighbor,” doesn’t come easy to, there is a bus stop located directly across the street, a creative arts high school about eight hundred feet east of my home, and we’re sand- go The transformation from resident to a happen overnight and it certainly isn’t easy engaged in a thriving community is worth