RISE, A Modern Guide for the Purpose Driven Woman Spring 2014 | Page 34

written by Lady 6 Female Warriors Some people devote their lives to discovering a truth outside themselves. I am committed to discovering a truth within myself, and the soul which lies at the heart of it all. My truth is that I am scared and brave, fragile and indestructible, open and closed, and I have the ability to exist on several different emotional planes all at once. I know I many of you may be thinking I am some sort of female version of Highlander, and as awesome and fulfilling as that would be for the male reading audience, I regret to admit that I am nothing special at all. I am a voice among many, indeterminable against the others. I stood at attention, approximately 3 feet in front of my Sergeant Major’s desk, and he told me to stand “At Ease”, which is the farthest thing from the way I was actually feeling at the time. I was incredibly nervous, and feeling very vulnerable. As I waited for him to speak, I watched him absentmindedly finger his Mason ring for a few moments before beginning his monologue. “Not ever...will I be responsible for putting a female instructor in that school. It’s not because you’re not good enough, it’s because it is not the place for a woman in the military.” He was referencing a recent nomination (based on performance) for me to become an instructor in a school that was considered very prestigious in the military community which I was part of at the time. He paused, and then asked if I had any questions. I said I did not. Later that same day, I spoke with the First Sergeant of my Company, and as she patiently listened to me tell her very honestly what had happened, I started to get the feeling that she wasn’t going to give me the sympathy I expected from a female in a high ranking leadership position in the military. I expected her to be enraged, to take action immediately to right this clear expression of bias against me based on my sex. She did none of those things. In a very controlled voice she said, “Where one door closes, a window opens.” It was all of my willpower not to cry at that moment.