RHG Magazine & TV Guide Winter 2018 | Page 36

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Harriet Tubman Wright, MS, MA,

Coach, Speaker, Author helps women career professionals and

solo-preneurs fulfill their soul’s

calling, step into their greatness and prosper doing what they most love in highest service to others. To learn more, go to


RHG Magazine & TV Guide TM - Summer 2017 © All rights reserved.

consider these suggestions:

• Open your heart and mind to unlimited possibilities

• Trust and follow your intuition

• Set your intentions with clarity and courage

• Be open about the process and outcome of fulfilling your intentions

• Keep your large vision and your ‘why’ at the forefront.

• Allow your wildest imagination to conjure up something extraordinary

• Include quality time doing what you most love and enjoy

• Review and adjust your intentions as appropriate

• Resist procrastination and distraction

• Celebrate progress and completion

• Be willing to ask for and accept help

Be creative. Avoid approaching your theme, priorities and intentions in a linear fashion, by just making a list. For example, create a vision board that reflects your intentions already fulfilled. Put the vision board in a prominent place. Or, install an altar with objects or symbols of your desires and use it as a daily reminder of what you’re committed to be, do and have. Invite friends and have a party creating your priorities and intentions together. Choose an Accountability Partner and support one

another throughout the year with periodic check–ins. Above all, have FUN with the process!

After the broad strokes, begin to concretize your priorities and intentions with specific action steps. It’s helpful to establish quarterly milestones, then chunk down the action steps into 30-60-90-day increments. Review quarterly and revise as appropriate. Although this may sound tedious, this part of the process will help you stay focused and mindful of your progress.

This year, create a more joyful,

prosperous and fulfilling life, allowing your light to shine as you choose and commit to doing what you most love!

“Choose purposefully. Act consciously. Be the best. Expect the best. Experience the best! – Harriet Tubman Wright