RHG Magazine & TV Guide Winter 2018 | Page 13

Step into Your Story and Unleash Your Legacy!

We all want to be remembered for something, to leave a legacy and to be known as more than merely ordinary. To be seen as someone who truly made a difference. To leave an imprint on this world and to leave behind something that can make the future a little brighter. What happens when our lives change and our legacy turns into something we didn’t plan on? Things change in a moment and suddenly everything we believed, understood or desired goes out the window. Suddenly, life turns in the other direction, and we’re faced with a chance to rewrite our destinies.

A form letter telling me I had an abnormal mammogram started my breast cancer journey. I’m fine today and can honestly say that I view my diagnosis as a gift. It brought me clarity about what is important in my life. I decided to start writing my book because I wanted someone to learn from my experiences and understand that even with a cancer diagnosis, you can move forward to not only survive; you can thrive.

I want to be remembered as someone who made a difference…who made an impact on the world. I want my legacy to be that each person I encounter knows that his or her story matters. And that they feel empowered to share their story with the world, or if not the world, they can chronicle their story in a journal.

Writing is how I tap into my creativity and give voice to my message on a daily basis. I’ve been writing in a journal since I was 11. I start my day with a pot of tea, my journal along with my favorite fountain pen, and a collection of inspirational reading material.

I believe each one of us has a purpose on this earth. We are here to make a difference. Your story matters for the simple reason it is exactly that: YOUR Story. Something that you alone can share. It’s your Truth to tell, Yours to own, Your wisdom to receive and ultimately, your story is a record of your journey. I guarantee someone is waiting to hear your story…someone needs to hear your story and will be changed because you shared your story.

The best way to start a journal writing practice is to keep consistently showing up on the page. Pick a time on your calendar (Monday through Friday) and make an appointment with yourself. Set the timer for five minutes. Put at the top of the page the time, the date and describe where you are sitting. The date and time will ground you in the present moment and let your subconscious know that it’s time to write…no really…you are training yourself to know that when you perform those small acts that you are saying OK, time to write. I suggest you start by writing the question: “What do I need to know right now?”

Now write! Keep your hand moving. It doesn’t matter if the paper is loose-leaf notepaper, a spiral notebook, or a beautiful journal. It doesn’t matter if you use a pen, pencil, or colored markers. The point is to keep your hand moving until the timer stops.


RHG Magazine & TV Guide TM - Winter 2018 © All rights reserved.

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