RHG Magazine & TV Guide Spring 2018 | Page 35

~Why did you elect to be part of Step Forward and SHINE?

I jumped at the chance to be part of something that would expand my reach because I enjoy and celebrate all people. I have an innate desire for all women to embrace their true beauty and to become a better version of themselves. I am not only talking about appearance but being mentally, physically and spiritually whole. As women we must learn how to honor the woman within, we must get to know "her" before we can start exhibiting true expressions of our inner woman.

When I have the honor of working with an individual, together we create a poised, polished, put-together, effortless, signature look that resonates confidence. The look would be instrumental in making the right impression at the right time when it matters the most. I help their inner beauty, poise, and confidence be seen on the outside too so that they can make a statement without saying a word.

~Please share what you help your clients with. What sort of work or expertise do you bring to the world?

It's time for women to stop dressings according to myths:

Myth 1: Tall women can't wear heels

Fact: Despite their tall stature women 5’ 9" or taller are wearing heels. All you need is some confidence to pull it off. Tall or short you can’t go wrong with heels. This myth has affected a lot of tall women lives. I know a lot of tall women who have refused to wear high heels just because of their height. Every woman who wants to wear heels can and should wear them because they make you look sophisticated and your legs look good.

Myth 2: Short girls can’t wear long dresses

Fact: Contrary to popular belief, short girls/women need not avoid long dresses. If the

Here's another inside peek into the life of one of our authors. We hope you enjoy this chance to "meet" Cassandra, one of our authors from Step Forward and SHINE!

She is the CEO and owner of Making Statements `N Style. It is all is about assisting women in the achievement of their goals in life. Being able to step deep inside and discover all the beautiful shining treasures about the woman within.

Having grown up with the support of a

"village", Cassandra was encouraged to grow and stimulated her imagination. She

remembers that her village put education was at the top of the list. As far as they were concerned no dream was too big, the possibilities were endless, because if you had a dream (education/good job) and believed in your dreams, and in God then, nothing or no one could dim your light.

She loves being able to assist women with their poised, polished, "put-together" look, developing their confidence and inner beauty. In fact, helping them on their journeys, takes her back to her formative years when she had the support of her "village" to rally around her, to guide her and to provide spiritual guidance. Let’s hear more…

Meet Cassandra F. Garabedian: Author, Style Consultant, & CEO

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