RHG Magazine & TV Guide New Year 2019 | Page 55

3. Do the inner work with the outer work. Actions are vital and our inner beliefs are just as important. As leaders, we must work on our mindset, work to eliminate self-doubt, work to see our value and our own definition of success.

~Will you share a client success story?

There are many and I always have several on hand depending on where the conversation goes and the audience. Great client story is the Revamp story for businesses and Chris story for corp. For relationships and the importance of long-term relationships and success it is the LK story.

~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our reader today to empower them to SHINE?

There is much talk about legacy today. The most important piece of legacy is that it starts now. Think about what you want to leave behind as your legacy and make the decisions and take the actions to begin to achieve it. There is no tomorrow here, every moment, every day counts.

~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers today?

Stay on top of your relationships. They are your successes today and tomorrow. Let go of what you cannot do and embrace, “What Can I Do!”

For more information, Ivy can be reached at www.slatersuccesscoaching.com

[email protected] * (917) 406-5236

This issue has been packed with great information, impactful insights, and transformational tips to support you to start you New Year on purpose and with great purpose! To support you, we have added some reflection questions to help

you stop, pause, reflect, and take purposeful action. So, grab your journal and take a moment to ask the following questions and listen to/write down your answers...then take purposeful action towards your goals.

*What is one way/step you can take this month to help you move forward purposefully?

*What article, tip, spotlight, share impacted you and why?

*What can you take off your plate that has served you well, but it’s time to dedicate that time, space, and energy to something new?

*What are you purposefully bringing into the New Year with you?

*What is something you can stop, pause and celebrate?

We look forward to seeing you SHINE in 2019 and beyond!

New Year Reflection with Rebecca

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