RHG Magazine & TV Guide Holiday 2018 | Page 8

~What are 1-3 tips you can give our reader today to help them step forward in their life powerfully?

(1) Learn to validate yourself. True power comes when you don’t need anyone else to tell you that you are good, valued or worthy.

(2) Say ‘YES’ to the things that speak to you. The more you say ‘yes’ to those things the more Spirit will bring you.

(3) Don’t settle. If you want to manifest something and it comes in ‘sort of,’ toss it back and finetune your vision. When you accept ‘sort of’ you end up living a ‘sort of’ life.

~Will you share a client success story?

My favorite is about Amy Sophiella. When I met her, she was just coming out of a devastating divorce. She was working in a cubicle job in New Hampshire, hated the winters and she felt like her life had fallen apart. One of the first programs she took with me is a yearly Fall program I offer called 40 Days to Creating More. In it, I have students write their Passion and Purpose statement with the benefit of my

guidance. I can hear when something isn’t in alignment or doesn’t flow and we keep tweaking until we get to what is pure and in alignment with each student. When I got to Amy she said to me, ‘what if I don’t know what my passion and purpose is?’ It was such a great question and definitely a place where I love to help people. I said to her, ‘then your passion and purpose right now is to discover what your passion and purpose is.’ The sense of relief she experienced at realizing we don’t all just ‘know’ what we are supposed to be doing was wonderful. Sometimes it takes some energy work, some trust and faith and a willingness to listen to find who we are meant to be. I told Amy that her ‘job’ was to follow the threads that came while she affirmed her newly crafted Passion and Purpose statement which was to discover hers. Skip forward 10 years and Amy now lives in Maui and has a beautiful company called Wisdom Works Designs through which she does home and land Feng Shui work and crafts beautiful healing jewelry including hand-crafted metal pieces for the person, home and land. Today her Passion & Purpose is to co-create sacred supportive spaces in harmony with natural elements to facilitate beautiful healing, transformation and growth in people, animals and places.

~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers today?

Our primary reason for being here is quite simple, it’s to learn, heal and grow. When we understand this, and we step into conscious learning, our lives can flow in such a beautiful way. That’s what I’m here to teach people.

Also, f someone can only have you at 50% that doesn’t mean you have to show up at 50%. Show up totally and completely as you in all your brilliance and let them have the part they can have. Don’t be less, let them have less.

For more information, Christine can be reached at www.awakenandgrow.com

www.facebook.com/groups/awakenandgrow * Twitter & IG: @christineagro