RHG Magazine & TV Guide Holiday 2018 | Page 53

happen which includes a three- month time-frame and then recalibrate your goal depending on what you have accomplished during that three-month window. How to do these three tips is expanded on in Having a Positive Impact During Uncertain Times.

~Will you share a client success story?

I was coaching a medical doctor who had been charged with making his department more successful. He identified one individual in that department who had not been doing his job for over twenty years. He sat down with him, brought out his job description and explained that he was not doing any of his responsibilities as he should and that if that behavior did not change he would have him fired. He changed his behavior the next day and within six months was his best employee.

~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our reader today to empower them to SHINE?

Be honest with yourself about who you are and what positive impact you want to have through your career and how you interact with others and then commit yourself to making that happen.

~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers today?

Yes, and it is summarized in the two quotes that follow which are in the first chapter of Having a Positive Impact During Uncertain Times: “You are the storyteller of your own life and you can create your own legend or not.” Isabel Allende…and… “It is never too late to become what you might have been.” George Eliot

For more information, Peter can be reached at


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