RHG Magazine & TV Guide Holiday 2018 | Page 20

issues are address today.

~What are 1-3 tips you can give our reader today to help them step forward in their life powerfully?

As on study participant would say, “You have to learn to love the skin you’re in….it took me getting HIV and almost dying to learn to love myself.” The study participants used encouragement during the focus groups to support each other. So, encourage others and by doing that, you’ll feel encouraged.

~Will you share a client success story?

Yes, because I believe in self-healing and self-help and use meditation and EMF [Emotional Freedom Technique also known as Tapping] myself, I encourage the practice with clients. One person spoke out that she felt like a monkey tapping. Later I found out during a very stressful event, she started tapping and realized that it did defuse her anger and calm her emotions.

~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our reader today to empower them to SHINE?

During a mentoring session, I encouraged attendees to give or do something for someone that they lacked in their lives. If their parents were unloving or did not nurture them as children, love and nurture your children, nieces, nephews or become a foster parent or Big Sister so you give what you didn’t receive. I remind them that they are always greater and more powerful than their circumstances that they can break the cycle of lack.

~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers today?

There is only one of you at this time in the universe, so pledge to be the best version of you possible.

For more information, Ada can be reached at

[email protected] * [email protected] * 407-493-8847

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Your Best Potential with Self Care

There is so much you can do to unmask your potential. The first and most important thing to remember is that you always come first. No matter what is going on, you must take the time to relax. Of course, there isn’t always ample time to do so, but even if you take mini five or ten minute breaks and do some deep breathing, you will feel refreshed.

When you have more time you can do meditation, and not necessarily the usual way it is represented. You can take a walk in nature and get lost in the moment. What I do lately is jigsaw puzzles on my cell phone. As I’m doing these, my mind

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