R&G|MAGAZINE Edition #14 - September 2015 | Page 45

PERHAPS THE POWER OF THE GENDERS HAS MORE TO DO WITH ONE’S DEFINITION OF POWER THAN WITH ORGANISATIONAL STATISTICS. AFTER ALL, THERE IS NOT JUST ONE TYPE OF “POWERFUL” WOMAN. A WOMAN NEED NOT “RUN THE WORLD” LIKE BEYONCE TO BE A WOMAN OF INFLUENCE; AND MONEY OR FINANCIAL FREEDOM NEED NOT BE THE SOLE MEASURE OF POWER. ADICHIE DEFINES A FEMINIST AS “THE PERSON WHO BELIEVES IN THE SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC EQUALITY OF THE SEXES”. By Chobela Ndilila Many consider gender inequality in Zambia and in Africa in general to be something stemming from a traditional or old-fashioned Apart from stemming from the African adjustment to modern thinking, gender inequality in Africa is also largely related does however seem that the issue religious practices and teachings. In December 1991, President Chiluba declared Zambia a Christian Nation, thus favouring African situation is one in which modern priorities and lifestyles are introduced to societies which are still in an immature stage develop to adjust to modern thinking. 45 colonizers states: “ over traditional