ReWire: Living Faithfully in a Technological World | Page 25

SESSION THREE Session Three #TECHTALK The Bible and society often tell us very different things about where we find value as Christians. Technology can sometimes shout louder than the Bible. Here are three lies that the world wants to tell us and often uses technology to announce it: Three Big Lies: 1. Superstar performance + great accomplishments will make me feel accepted and valued. 2. Good looks + admiration of others will make me feel secure. 3. Status and popularity + recognition of others will make me feel significant Look up each of the following passages in your Bible. Make it personal by inserting your own name in each verse, where applicable. VERSE Write the verse here and insert your own name where you can. What God has to say about you Colossians 2:10 Your life is complete Romans 8:28 I will work all things together for good Romans 8:35-39 I will never allow anything to separate you from My love 25