Revive - A Quarterly Fly Fishing Journal | Page 24

The first fear that could have easily halted this trip, or even kept FFC from becoming a reality, is the fear of failure. It’s pretty easy to go through life without taking risks. This makes one’s life seem pretty successful since there aren’t many failures to account for. The unfortunate part to this lifestyle is there aren’t too many great accomplishments either. Without risk you minimize failure but you also minimize your possibility to accomplish great things. For me I’ve found that there’s more at risk to play it safe than there is to be messy. To play it safe you’re risking the possibility to accomplish great things that can make a difference in this world, to be messy you’re simply risking your own ego. I think most of us western Europeans have plenty of ego to spare anyways.

There are many rewards that I’ve had in overcoming the fear of FFC flopping but by far the greatest reward of all was to sit at a dinner table in a home on the edge of some tropical jungle in Thailand peering into the faces of adorable kids that were spared from a horrible future. Those faces, those smiles, those images will forever be imprinted in my mind. I can’t even imagine those kids being caught in the nasty network of human trafficking, being used over and over again on a daily basis and then disposed of like some inanimate object. That’s the ugly stuff that we want to rid the world from. I’m overjoyed that FFC is doing its part.