Revive - A Quarterly Fly Fishing Journal | Page 18

When the whole FFC idea was birthed in my wife and I a few years ago I knew it was something that was too great not to pursue. We had a vision for pulling together community, a vision for utilizing something as ordinary to us as fly fishing and making it extraordinary. We had a vision to make positive change in the world through collaboration. It was that vision that got us through the tough times of doubt, discouragement, and even rejection from others when we were trying to get FFC off the ground. Finally two years later it was this recent Thailand trip that proved that what we dreamed to do through FFC is actually possible. We did it! And we’re going to keep doing it.

My wife emphasized above how she learned about the beauty and power of community from our Thailand experience. I don’t think I can add anything to what she eloquently wrote. When we allow our lives to be a part of a greater whole we find purpose, peace, and even power to accomplish great things. So true! We all learned that from our weeks building the Tilapia farm. What I’d like to highlight through my experience in Thailand is the fears I had to overcome to make this idea happen, and then the rewards that came as a result of overcoming those fears.