Revival Times 2017 October 2017 | страница 33

ministry to 14-17s financial stewardship graciously gives us the privilege to manage the money we receive to use for his glory. Yes, you worked hard to get that money, but remember that God is the owner and we are responsible and entrusted with being faithful with the money God blesses us with. NuGen leader Jonathan Mensah shares his top tips M oney…money…money. Every day, money. You probably thought about money before even reading this. Every day we have the opportunity to use money, whether we spend it or save it, keep it or give it, waste it or invest it. They say money is what makes the world go round, which is true in terms of money being important and essential in our lives. However, many put their dependence, hope and so much trust in money – instead of God – that they become enslaved to money; it is managing them instead of them managing their money. Or, for some, money dictates their happiness and value. This is not a Christ-like manner of thinking and living, so to avoid this we need to understand, value and live out the lifestyle of financial stewardship. In simple terms, financial stewardship is basically this: man aging the money God gives you for his glory or honouring the Lord with the money you have. If this is the first time you’ve heard about this, don’t worry as financial stewardship covers a lot of topics, but I will give you 3 tips to learn, consider and apply with stewarding the money you have for the Lord’s glory. Tip 1: You’re the manager Psalm 24:1 tells us “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him”. God owns everything in this universe – the Sun, the earth, the animals, your possessions, your body and life. Yes, he even owns the money you receive into your bank account. God’s the owner, we’re not, but he Tip 2: Be wise, not impulsive Just because it looks nice, it doesn’t mean you need it. Identify the things are essential and inessential. This is a rule I go by to help spend my money wisely: if you can’t afford it, don’t buy it! If you can afford it then ask yourself if you really need it or can it wait for another time. It’s good to know why you’re spending your money on certain things rather than allowing impulse to direct you. Don’t let money manage you, but you manage your money wisely. Sunday Gatherings Youth service from 11am - 1pm at Rugby Portobello Trust (RPT) 221 Walmer Road London W11 4EY What’s Happening: October Every Sunday Dance Programme 1:30pm – 3:00pm at RPT Sunday 1 Guest Speaker: Kristian Lythe 11am – 1:00pm at RPT Tip 3: Be a cheerful giver Whether it’s tithes and offerings or blessing others, let’s do it with a delight, not as a duty. God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9) and he deserves our first portion of our wealth (Proverbs 3:9-10). He doesn’t need our money, but he wants us to be more like him by learning to give like him as he loved us so much and gave his Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. So honour God with your money today. Be a great manager. Spend wisely. Give cheerfully. Be more like Jesus and remember – God owns everything! ARE YOU ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER OR INSTAGRAM? For instant weekly updates on the happenings of the NuGeneration family follow and like us on our social networks: KTNuGen @ktnugen @ktnugen Revival Times October 2017 33