Revival Times 2017 October 2017 | Page 24


by Chris Shimmen


tackling the giants : Influencing your world
Following our successful Parenting Skills workshop in September . we asked Charlene Gayle , a science teacher and AQA examiner , to share some advice on helping students into the new phase of this education .

Autumn is a period of transition from the British summer time into the winter months . However , autumn is not just a period of transition for temperate seasons , it is also a time of transition for many young people into the different phases of their life . This will range from a child leaving nursery school and starting primary education , and could continue up to a student going on to higher education .

Chris Shimmen – co-ordinates our Tackling the Giants teams
Transition periods in a child ’ s life are all a part of growing up ; however , these periods can seem daunting at first for both the child and parent ( s ). Last month , Kensington Temple hosted the Education and Training Forum where the theme was ‘ Transition ’.
24 Revival Times October 2017