Revival Times 2017 October 2017 | Page 16

viewpoint with drug and alcohol addictions . He later met a Christian man who led him to Jesus . He was healed from asthma and was delivered from his addictions . A experienced God ’ s joy and peace .

When his parents heard about his conversion , they tried to convince him to return to Islam , or to at least to stay lost and drunk . Anything was better than Christianity to them . His family threatened to disown him and to cast him out of the region if he did not return to Islam . A refused to deny Jesus and he had to leave his home . He lived in a church for two years .
Later , his father asked him to return home but to never talk about his new faith . He moved back home . The family saw the change in his life and his sister , brother and sister-in-law all came to faith .
Later , A got married and had children . They all lived in one room in his parents ’ house , as his father refused to give him his inheritance . Later , his brother moved to France and offered to let him live in his Egyptian home .
A serves at the church and shares the Gospel with others . He watches The KingdomSat and has been followed up by the team . His favourite KingdomSat
Michael Youssef – Director of KingdomSat
program is Colin Dye ’ s Sword of Spirit . The team encouraged A to stand firm in his faith and helped him practically . A is thankful for The KingdomSat programs and the follow-up team ’ s ministry .
The Senior Director from The KingdomSat recently wrote to Colin Dye , “ I want to thank you for your partnership in reaching those faithful seekers who don ’ t have access to the word of God because of their geographical location whether in closed homes , or closed countries . We see a great harvest , we are called to share in harvesting it , and have the joy of seeing our beloved peoples come to the light . It is a very special time in history where darkness might seem dominating , but in reality , we see that just a small light can cast all darkness away .” ❖
Thank you for your faithful support that enables Colin Dye ’ s programmes to be broadcast 5 days each week on KingdomSat into the heart of the Muslim world . If you would like to give directly into this vital part of KT ’ s ministry please email the Finance department at ktfinance @ kt . org
16 Revival Times October 2017