Revival Times 2017 June 2017 | Page 11

LITTLE YES OR HEALTHY MAYBE! She had been praying for him for thirty years! Yet that night was the first night he had come along to church with her and he had asked her if he could come. That’s a ‘healthy maybe’! It might not have been the ‘big yes’ but it needed to be celebrated. One of the biggest challenges I believe the church faces is changing the perceptions people have of the Christian faith and church. This means anything that helps address this, however small, is something we should celebrate. Whenever I preach the gospel, share my faith one-to-one, produce resources or help churches with their evangelism – I try to build in a healthy maybe option. I’ve had people come to see me at the end of my evangelistic events introducing themselves as “a healthy maybe”, this makes me happy as they are on the way! A ‘little yes’ is making an intentional decision to find out more about the Christian faith So what is the healthy maybe? Many people would see themselves as open- minded. Healthy maybe asking people to make a commitment to remain so. What’s a ‘little yes’? A little yes is making an intentional decision to find out more about the Christian faith. This can be made as a commitment to God or simply as a commitment to themselves to find out more about the Christian faith. A ‘Big Yes’ is giving people the opportunity to become a Christian. This often seen as big step in the conversion journey but for many it’s the final ‘little yes’! For some a healthy maybe could be the big step! A ‘Big Yes’ is giving people the opportunity to become a Christian It’s my firm conviction that we need have a long term view of the journey of commitment and celebrate and promote whatever steps people take in their discipleship journey – which starts incidentally before they come to Christ. Have a prayerful think about the people you have had the opportunity to share your faith. Are any of them a ‘healthy maybe’ or ‘little yes’ or ‘Big yes’? ❖ Revival Times June 2017 11