Revival Times 2017 August 2017 | Page 30

x-change a new voice for a new vision creating a new culture of continuous communication Temple n to g in s n e K to e welcom me to everyone visiting We extend a warm welco n us at the first time. Please joi Kensington Temple for at with our ch a ve the service to ha the platform area after lounge me lco we r l take you to ou welcome team. They wil and its cu bis e, at over tea, coffe s, where you can have a ch trie nis mi r ou t hear more abou cake. You will be able to rt pa a be n ca u d find out how yo activities, cell vision an us. on and the World for Jes nd of our vision to win Lo on a s every couple of months We hold Welcome partie nt, you me tain ter over food and en Saturday evening where, d members an rs de the pastors, cell lea can get to know some of one of for us join to and would like of KT. If you are new to KT r ou h wit t e and have a cha these evenings please com vice. ser welcome team after the budding photographer? We have recently welcom ed Laura Harris-Stewart to the KT staff team. Laura is ser ving as an administrator, mainly in the Children’s Ministry but will pop up in other areas as well. This month we also said farewell to Hannah Lamb who has been working in the Senior Min ister’s Office. We look forward to continuing to work with Ha nnah as she is a KT cell leader and active member of our ‘Ask Me’ teams. 30 Revival Times August 2017 Many of the photos you see in Revival Times and other publications are taken by our amateur photographers at KT. We have loads of events, including cell events, many of which we would like photo memories. We are looking to widen the team so if you are interested in helping, please email [email protected], or simply leave your name at KT reception.