Revista simpozionului Eficienta si calitate in educatie 2018 Revista simpozionului | Page 18

ADDRESSING BEHAVIOURAL CHALLENGES IN TEACHING STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Cătălina Cimpoeru, Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentară „Terezianum” Sibiu Abstract: Students with special educational needs may be both behaviorally-challenged and a challenge for teachers. There is constant need of professional development so that the teacher can master a variety of strategies that enable the use of efficient teaching methods aimed at eliminating disruptive behaviour and fostering the right communication skills. With the right means, SEN students can develop the social and the practical skills for successful integration in society. Key words: SEN students, behavioural challenges, special needs students, teaching strategies, communicative approach As teachers we expect to come across misbehaviour in our classrooms. Disruptive behaviour occurs within the mass learning environment on a regular basis, yet behavioral challenges are all the more frequent in teaching students with special educational needs (SEN). Students who are physically or intellectually challenged often have increased sensitivity and behavioral patterns that derive from their handicap. Teachers require special training in order to work with students with special educational needs. They need to be able to understand their students’ learning difficulties and to master the right methods in order to provide an optimal learning environment. Every child has his/her gifts, yet physical and psychological challenges may stand in the way. The teacher depends on a positive attitude, care, commitment, proper training and support in order to help the child achieve his/her maximum development potential. Teachers from all over the world now have access to various training programs meant to help them integrate SEN students effectively. Going beyond the theoretical part is the great part of this training. As part of continuous professional development, teachers learn strategies of adapting their teaching so as to maximize the learning opportunities for their SEN students. Here are some of the practical aspects that help with special needs classes as well as with integration for SEN students in mass schools. Adapting the classroom The learning environment ought to be adapted so as to meet the students’ needs. Furniture items, class arrangement, school access with ramps and elevators are a necessity for the integration of special educational needs students. The school policies ought to be supportive of inclusion. A student who is supported at school feels: - Welcomed in the learning environment; - Positive about learning; - Interested in learning; - Valued and valuable as a human being; - Capable of giving something back to society. 18