Revista Scientific Volumen 2 / Nº 5 - Agosto-Octubre 2017 | Page 379

Mariela Eduvigis Jiménez Campos. Hermeneusis Ontológica del Estudiante Universitario. Revista Scientific. - Ensayo Arbitrado - Registro nº: 295-14548 - pp. BA2016000002 - Vol. 2, Nº 5 – Agosto-Octubre 2017 - pág. 377/395 ISSN: 2542-2987 - ISNI: 0000 0004 6045 0361 Ontological Hermeneusis of the University Student Abstract University education must promote teaching aimed to mediate the full development of each student human potentialities during the academic training, so the students can know, value, recognize themselves as persons, citizens and future professionals and thus, they can achieve their complete selfrealization. The purpose of this essay is to perform an ontological hermeneusis of the university student. The methodology was based on the review of theoretical aspects constituting the philosophical constructs exposed by Husserl, Heidegger and Gadamer, among others, with the purpose of knowing and interpreting the student Dasein from the elements that make up their biopsycho-social-cultural capacity which allows them to develop as professionals from a conception of integral citizens capable of assuming reality as actors who are there in time and place to become their own history main characters. Finally, the hermeneusis of the university student ontology can be understood as a comprehensive academic training that leads to develop the autonomy to carry out the professional performance with spontaneity, independence, suitability and determination, toward the fulfillment of their personal goals that contribute to the contemporary society solutions. Keywords: ontological hermeneusis; university student; dasein. Date Received: 07-04-2017 Date Acceptance: 05-05-2017 378