Revista Scientific Volumen 2 / Nº 5 - Agosto-Octubre 2017 | Page 323

Yudit Zaida del Carmen Alarcón de Palma. Reutilizando el Material Reciclaje como Estrategia Didáctica para Fortalecer los Valores Ambientales. Revista Scientific - Artículo Arbitrado - Registro nº: 295-14548 - pp. BA2016000002 - Vol. 2, Nº 5 - Agosto-Octubre 2017 - pág. 321/339 ISSN: 2542-2987 - ISNI: 0000 0004 6045 0361 Reusing Recycling Material as Teaching Strategy to Strengthen Environmental Values Abstract The study was centered interest implement recycling reuse the material as a teaching strategy to strengthen environmental students “Adolfo Moreno” National Basic School Barinitas parish, municipality Bolivar, Barinas state values. School Year 2014 - 2015. The study was based on the paradigm of qualitative research and research in action type. From this point of view, the study focuses on participatory action this mode, it is limited in so-called field layouts. The study its characteristics was fulfilled in the following phases: diagnosis, planning, implementation, evaluation and systematization. Finally, it can be noted that the implementation of teaching strategies reuse recycle material for strengthening environmental students "Adolfo Moreno" National Basic School values; They will be incorporating parents and guardians as well as various educational actors to implement the activities involved in the proposal which seeks to change attitudes to improve through practical actions management standards and conservation practices to achieve an environmental change in institution through technical, theoretical and practical knowledge to strengthen the benefit of recyclables properly handle procedures. Keywords: reusing; recycling materials; teaching strategy; strengthen environmental values. Date Received: 17-02-2017 Date Acceptance: 18-04-2017 322