Revista Scientific Volumen 2 / Nº 5 - Agosto-Octubre 2017 | Page 184

Nancy Yuraima Veras Burgos. Conservación del Ambiente Basado en la Construcción de Cercas Vivas. Revista Scientific - Artículo Arbitrado - Registro nº: 295-14548 - pp. BA2016000002 - Vol. 2, Nº 5 - Agosto-Octubre 2017 - pág. 182/200 ISSN: 2542-2987 - ISNI: 0000 0004 6045 0361 Conservation of Environment Based on Fence Construction Alive Abstract The present research reflects on the conservation of the environment, considering the need to preserve natural resources in a manner consistent with the development of environmental education, in this sense raises as a fundamental goal to develop a plan for conservation of the environment based on construction Of live fences at the Maria Alisa Barinas Pablo basic school in the Barinas state, for the theoretical contributions that support the research were consulted, different authors and approach regarding the conservation of the environment. The same will be developed within the qualitative paradigm and focused on a participatory action research, in relation to the field design, since the data collection was done directly from the subjects investigated, with respect to the informants, were taken, four (04) subjects subject to study, as for the technique of data collection was used the interview and observation. Finally the results will form the proposal of application to contribute in the construction of the live fences. live. Keywords: plan; preservation; environmental; construction; fences; Date Received: 06-02-2017 Date Acceptance: 16-03-2017 183