Revista Scientific Volumen 2 / Nº 5 - Agosto-Octubre 2017 | Page 127

Johana Carolina Peña Lozada. Formación Permanente de los Docentes como Referente de la Calidad Educativa. Revista Scientific - Artículo Arbitrado - Registro nº: 295-14548 - pp. BA2016000002 - Vol. 2, Nº 5 - Agosto-Octubre 2017 - pág. 125/139 ISSN: 2542-2987 - ISNI: 0000 0004 6045 0361 Permanent Training of Teachers as a Reference to Educational Quality Abstract The present article of bibliographical revision intends to make a reflection to characterize the Permanent Formation of the Teachers as Referent of the Educational Quality, through a documentary revision, in order to realize an evaluation of the component permanent formation under the scheme of the educational quality, The analysis points to considerations made by different authors, in the most relevant aspects, it becomes notorious and imperative to include policies, plans and programs according to the ongoing training of the teacher to achieve all the objectives pursued by education in the Different spaces that comprise it involving the praxis of the teacher in its action with a view to a better educational quality. Keywords: permanent training; teacher; educational quality. Date Received: 05-05-2017 Date Acceptance: 04-07-2017 126