Revista Scientific Volumen 2 / Nº 4 - Mayo-Julio 2017 | Page 87

Abstract The present investigation takes as a fundamental goal, the elaboration of an instructional digital design that contributes to the strengthening of the regional identity of the students. The study is based on the theoretical postulates of: UNESCO (2004), CBN (1997), Ausubel (1983), Vygotsky, Rodríguez (2001), Careaga (2001), Galvis (1992), Pastorini (2000), Salazar (2008), Rosario (2005), Bernice McCarthy (1987), among others. The same one, adopted the type of descriptive investigation, with a field design placed in the modality of viable project. The population is constituted by 12 teachers, and 40 students of the sixth degree. For the diagnostic phase a questionnaire will be applied with 14 items for teachers and students, the validation will be of content across the experts' judgment. In conclusion, there exists weakness for the constitutive elements of the historical memory as part of the regional identity. Keywords: design instructional; educational computerized material; national identity. Date Received: 20-10-2016 Date Acceptance: 03-12-2016 86 Artículo Instructional Design as Resource for the Strengthening of the Regional Identity