Revista Scientific Volumen 2 / Nº 4 - Mayo-Julio 2017 | Page 321

Abstract Related with the demands and policies that the Venezuelan system is setting, it´s necessary to make emphasis in the need for continuing formation of teachers in order to optimize their educational practice; even more when teachers now day have to be in constant process of formation and transformation. It´s necessary to mention that this study is part of a macro research that has been done in the U.E.B. The Paramito, Merida State, which presents one of its research purposes: to reveal through the voices of teachers conception of teaching practice from continuing training they receive. Methodologically it was addressed from the qualitative paradigm directed by the Participatory Action, which emerged from a diagnosis made and led to describe a phase research study. In this case they were made work tables, where dialogue prevailed between the actors involved, emerging categories such as were made: practice and experience for action, sharing knowledge, professional skills, which when put into practice can optimize the educational process in the as they strengthen the continuing education of teachers and thus a better quality education. Keywords: teaching practice; continuing education; teacher. Date Received: 05-10-2016 Date Acceptance: 06-11-2016 320 Artículo The Praxis Teacher from Continuing Training