Revista Scientific Volumen 2 / Nº 4 - Mayo-Julio 2017 | Page 267

Abstract Values Education in the university context from the perspective of complex thinking, then to understand the meanings and senses that teachers have regarding values education in their pedagogical praxis. The study was conducted through qualitative methodology, based on the interpretive paradigm, which focuses its attention on the interpretation of experiences and experiences of social actors. The method used was the phenomenological method, which according to Martinez (2004) is where hermeneutics is integrated in the context of temporality and historicity of human existence. The information collection process was conducted through in-depth interviews to five (5) social actors, who were selected by the criterion of teachers working at the University studied. categorization, triangulation of information and theorizing process was used for the discussion of the results, which allowed me to build the emerging theory, which was called Construction Epistemology of values: knowledge and practice. Keywords: education; values; university. Date Received: 15-09-2016 Date Acceptance: 27-10-2016 266 Artículo Arbitrado Education in Values from the Context University