Revista Scientific Edición Especial - Febrero-Abril 2017 | Page 97

Abstract This investigative article it developed with the objective of analyze about the trend in the Management in Venezuela and about dimension “ethical value” of itself. Some of the changes principal in the current society which affect the organizations, are technology, media, environment, the market, Innovations of materials products, the ideas new, within others. Corresponds to the managers to take the necessary decisions, and answer to the different defiance that Management in Venezuela and the modern world demand, since diverse realities wounded in the present: politics, economies and social. It is will be not one barrier for the Management leaders to make effective and efficient the competent business management, since one dimension “ethical value”, must start into our conscience, with the values and the ethical of the organizations, to go to our around, in this context the article is develop into paradigmatic framework qualitative, because according to their theoretical level it supports bibliographic method through the analysis of documents. To collect the information is employed sources printed and electronic that allowed perform a review comprehensive, systematic and rigorous to reach the objective of study. Keywords: management; leadership; ethical values. Date Received: 02-11-2016 Date Acceptance: 09-01-2017 96 Arbitrado Trend of the Venezuelan Management in an Uncertainty Environment, From a Value - Ethical Dimension