Revista_Cuza_2018 Revista_Cuza_2018 | Page 58

DO WHAT YOU LOVE One of the biggest issues as a soul on this planet is the way others make us feel. I mean, I wanted to kill myself because of the way people made me feel. We tend to judge a lot and we stop thinking about the feelings of those around us. I find this to be one of the biggest problems in our world. So, because it is very hard to change the harsh way in which people judge each other, the best thing to do is to stop caring about what they think of us. I know this is hard, but once you do it, your life will be 10x better. Keep in mind that we all are different and that we all see the world in a different way. Besides that, the things that make us happy are different. Is it wrong to be happy if you just read a book or if you play football or if you dance or sing or whatever you love? Happiness comes in various shapes and I may not like football, but reading a book and drinking hot tea will certainly make me happy. If it makes you happy, it is not wrong! As long as your happiness does not generate someone else’s misery. I mean, are you doing something bad to others if you do what you like? That is the only reason you should stop doing that, if it causes someone pain, or, you know, if you don't respect their liberty and other fundamental rights. So, if you are not a criminal, but you just think different than others, you are perfectly NORMAL. It would be an awfully boring life if we all had the same ideas. Stop caring that much about what people say and just be yourself! Maybe you are creative or you love writing, painting, singing, dancing etc. If you love something go for it! Life is way too short not to do what you love! So, be brave and do whatever you love, people may disagree with you, but if you love it and you feel amazing doing that, DO IT! Many people told me that I shouldn't start blogging or writing poetry and fantastic stories, but I still do it, and it feels amazingly fulfilling. If there is someone who constantly gets you down, write them a letter by hand and tell them everything that is on your soul. You don't have to send it, but it is an amazing way to free yourself of the negative feelings and just get that thing off your soul. After you do that, just live your life as you please and stop caring about what others say. Always be yourself and love life, because it is going to end at some point and I am sure that you want to live it to the fullest! Alexandru Jalba, clasa a XII-a F 56