Review/Oorsig Volume 23, Issue 02 | Page 11

Volume 23 • Issue 02 • 2019 Ruralvet - IN The real world Compiled by Mark Chimes BVSc Ruralvet is a closed informal internet discussion forum for ruminant veterinarians in Southern Africa. Membership is controlled very strictly. No advertising or promotion of products is allowed on the forum. The purpose of this column is to scour Ruralvets and address a topic of conversation in every issue. There is a lot of valuable practical information being posted on Ruralvets, but it is not available in a manner that is easy to access. I have taken the liberty to correct grammatical errors (typos) and translate any Afrikaans comments into English. Certain paragraphs in the comments that are not relevant or superfluous to this subject have been omitted. The information is from an informal discussion forum and is not necessarily backed up by research. Editor Corynebactaerium name confusion C. pseudotuberculosis was formerly known as C. ovis. Corynebacterium pyogenes first changed to Arcanobacterium pyogenes and lately is known as Trueperella pyogenes, which implies C. pseudotuberculosis and T. pyogenes are different and do not cross-protect. The only resemblance is that they both cause abscesses in sheep and goats. AvZ – 11 Feb 2018 Being one of the older vets, I am not sure what the difference between Corynebacterium pyogenes and Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is anymore. Maybe the names have changed already. Is there cross protection if vaccinated with Glanvac3. I advised a client to vaccinate with Glanvac3, but according to him, it does not contain the Corynebacterium which is the problem on his farm. Can anyone explain this to me please. MvV – 11 Feb 2018 C. pseudotuberculosis was formerly known as C. ovis. Corynebacterium pyogenes first changed to Arcanobacterium pyogenes and lately is known as Trueperella pyogenes, which implies C. pseudotuberculosis and T. pyogenes are different and do not cross-protect. The only resemblance is that they both cause abscesses in sheep and goats. Glanvac3 will only protect against C. pseudotuberculosis (ovis). AvZ – 11 Feb 2018 Does the Onderstepoort Corynebacterium vaccine contain both. MH – 11 Feb 2018 No, the Onderstepoort Corynebacterium vaccine, which they still call Corynebacterium ovis in IVS, only contains Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. The Onderstepoort Actinomyces [Arcanobacterium] pyogenes vaccine contains Trueperella pyogenes (All three names are the same bug). Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis vaccines work well, but there is a lag period before clinical improvement is seen. This is because the available vaccines stop new abscesses from forming, but often have no or little effect on the abscesses that are already present. It then appears to the farmer that the vaccine does not work, but please encourage them to carry on using the vaccine, as the long- term benefits are good. 11