Review/Oorsig Volume 23, Issue 01 | Page 21

Volume 23 • Issue 01 • 2019 Ruralvet - IN The real world Diatoms and Aloes as Feed Supplements Compiled by Mark Chimes BVSc Ruralvet is a closed informal internet discussion forum for ruminant veterinarians in Southern Africa. Membership is controlled very strictly. No advertising or promotion of products is allowed on the forum. The purpose of this column is to scour Ruralvets and address a topic of conversation in every issue. There is a lot of valuable practical information being posted on Ruralvets, but it is not available in a manner that is easy to access. I have taken the liberty to correct grammatical errors (typos) and translate any Afrikaans comments into English. Certain paragraphs in the comments that are not relevant or superfluous to this subject have been omitted. The information is from an informal discussion forum and is not necessarily backed up by research. Editor AO - Oct 29, 2007 I would appreciate any feedback on the following product which is actively being marketed in our area. I'm not convinced but stand to be corrected as unfortunately all the web references given were from the US (old at that as well) with no scientific proof. Limited research into effectiveness in plant and animal benefits indicate non-statistical differences between controls and treatments. Do any of you have experience with these products and safety thereof. It has the usual internal parasite claim - interesting enough also against nasalworm and liver fluke! TC - Oct 29, 2007 You have raised a topic that raises my ire. (I think that's short for Irish blood). This product/stuff is in my opinion useless for external and internal parasites and of no benefit to hungry, ailing and poorly managed cattle! We were on the point of reporting two farmers whose cattle were in extremus from huge burdens of acarids and trematodes. They were relying solely on this stuff for parasite control and all health matters. The cattle were infertile and could conceivably have been euthanased on compassionate grounds. The farmers involved are hooked into an extremist organic movement and have been brainwashed by questionable salespeople to shun any non- organic animal health products. As with many "alternative/quack" remedies the users and suppliers cannot provide results from controlled trials. The same applies to human medical science - members might remember my bringing up on this site my daughter's rickettsiosis / Lyme's Disease / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There are hordes of get-rich-quick charlatans who prey on desperate people. I am sure colleagues such as Gareth Bath, Arthur Wellington and Alan Fair could write some suitably cynical words on such products and their peddlers. CvD - Oct 29, 2007 Below a copy (one of many) from the internet on the use of diatomaceous earth as a dewormer - this is to support your comments below - you make your own conclusions. Diatomaceous earth is made from the remains of fossilized marine algae called diatoms. The product is mined and reduced to powder form. This powder acts as tiny pieces of glass that tear the shells of insects and other arthropods. Many farmers add diatomaceous earth to the rations of their animals, among others, because it contains minerals and is relatively inexpensive. Some claim that diatomaceous earth acts as 21