Review/Oorsig Volume 22, Issue 04 | Page 18

Oorsig/Review Each of the 5 main observation points is then explained in more practical detail. See the explanation of the Head (Observation point number 1) below. BEHAVIOUR The head houses the brain, which controls behaviour and other body systems. Any disease that has a direct effect on the brain, or on the whole body, will affect behaviour in many different ways. EYES The eyes are a direct extension of the brain. It can be affected by damage to the eye itself or it can show signs that the whole body is affected. EARS The posture and activity of the external ear lobes is a very sensitive indicator of the well-being of the animal. Any change in posture and activity will, in many cases, be the first non-specific sign indicating that the animal is not well. The inner ear can only be viewed when the animal is examined. Hearing is also a sense that is directly linked to the brain. NOSE The nostrils represent the start of the respiratory system. Livestock normally only breathe through their noses. The nose can also show non-specific signs when the whole body is affected, for instance, in the case of fever. MOUTH The mouth is the start of the digestive system. Visual signs of disease (such as salivation, tongue hanging out, sores etc.) can be caused by lesions in the mouth or by lesions lower down in the digestive system up to the big stomach. Most of the problems inside the mouth can only be viewed when the mouth is opened during examination of the animal. Examples of specific signs of disease in each subcategory are then given in order to teach the user to be very specific when observing signs of disease. BE VERY SPECIFIC WHEN SIGNS OF DISEASE ARE OBSERVED Keep tightly closed Tears Stays behind Stands alone Hyperactive Shaking head Hang Slow movement White/blue Bellowing Head down Ticks in ear Bleeding White with pearl Hair loss around eyes Yellow discharge Bloody discharge Swelling below BEHAVIOUR Eyelids swollen EYES Flies around ear EARS Lips swollen Salivation Froth Swelling of jaw Swelling below jaw 18 Brown wax discharge Dry Cracked Hangs open Tongue hangs out Wounds on lips Pus discharge MOUTH NOSE Red or raw Wounds Bleeding from nostril Watery discharge Slime discharge Yellow discharge