Review/Oorsig Volume 22, Issue 03 | Page 10

Oorsig / Review
d . Nitrate poisoning . e . Iodine deficiency .
5 . At what gestational age would a bovine fetus be expected to be fully haired ?
a . 3 months . b . 4 months . c . 5 months . d . 6 months . e . 8 months .
6 . At what gestational age would a small ruminant fetus be expected to have well developed eyelashes ?
a . One month . b . 2 months . c . 3 months . d . 4 months . e . 5 months . 7 . Which of the following statements about in-utero growth retardation is incorrect ?
a . Reduces neonatal survival . b . Temporary stunting effect on postnatal growth . c . Permanently effects efficiency of feed conversion . d . Negatively affects body composition and meat quality . e . Negatively impacts on long-term health .
8 . Which of the following would not be considered a gross anatomical indicator lesion of in-utero growth retardation ?
A . Elongation of the maxilla . B . Doming of the forehead . C . Shortening of the forelimbs . D . Flattening of the face . E . Broadening of the basisphenoid bone .
9 . Which of the following gross post mortal abnormalities are not commonly associated with fetal oversize / dystochia ?
a . Facial swelling . b . Angulated limb abnormalities . c . Swelling of the tongue . d . Subcutaneous edema . e . Meconium staining .
10 . Fetal mycotic dermatitis is not commonly found at which of the following cutaneous locations ?
a . Periorbital . b . Flanks . c . Shoulders . d . Back . e . Ventral abdomen .
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