REVEAL Q4 2016 | Page 14

TRAVEL FUND FUN 10 Hot Tips for Saving for Your Next Vacay By Abigail Soren 1 O  PEN A DEDICATED SAVINGS ACCOUNT. This should be separate from your checking account or emergency savings fund. Name it something fun like “Vegas 2017,” so you’ll want to sock away more spare cash. This money is specifically for vacation! 2 S  ET UP AN AUTOMATIC DEPOSIT. Start with a monthly amount that’s doable. This gets you in the habit of saving. Increase it as you get closer to your special getaway. 3 T  AKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR CREDIT CARD. Review your credit card(s) rewards program to get discounts on travel and lodging. If you’re not currently signed up for rewards, consider signing up after checking for any annual fees. Remember to pay off monthly bills to avoid paying more on interest. Abigail Soren is a Certified Financial Planner™ and Senior Financial Planner at Redwood Wealth Management, LLC. She assists clients in managing and balancing their investments and financial goals. In her spare time, Abigail volunteers for the Atlanta Humane Society and enjoys taking her Pomeranian, Jack, on long walks around the city. You’ll often find them on a Starbucks patio enjoying a good book. 4 G O THROUGH YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS. Are you really reading all those magazines piling up on your coffee table? And do you need that golden summer glow in the coming winter months? It’s easy to let automatic monthly bills slip your mind. Take the five minutes to cancel what you’re not using – it’ll save you time and money! good about cooking, see if you can go a whole week per month using staples from your pantry. 7 S  TRETCH YOUR BEAUTY REGIMEN. Consider pushing your hair appointment out another week or two or dropping your usual mani/pedi until you’ve saved up. (Even, dare I say it, consider tweezing those unruly brows.) 8 P  RE-GAME OR DRINK ONE FEWER COCKTAIL WHILE YOU’RE OUT. Let’s be honest, that’ll save you $10-15 per social engagement alone. And being the social butterfly that you are, that adds up! 9 S  IGN UP FOR EMAIL NOTICES ON FLASH SALES FOR FLIGHTS AND HOTELS. You really don’t have to pay an arm and a leg to go on vacation. Websites like secretflying. com, and theflightdeal. com are chock-full of great deals for just about anywhere you want to go. 10 V  ISIT DURING THE OFF-SEASON. You’ll get better rates and won’t have to worry about the crowds. BONUS TIPS – ONCE YOU’RE THERE 5 S  AVE ON YOUR WORKOUT. Ditch the expensive monthly gym membership and keep your workouts fresh by utilizing sites like ClassPass or Groupon for your sweat sessions. 6 E  AT IN MORE. If you eat out a lot, take a night to make a meal out of what you already have hidden in the pantry (it’s about to expire anyway, right?). If you’re already REVEAL | Fall 2016 14 11 G  O TO A LOCAL MARKET OR GROCER. Stock up on items you know you’ll need like bottled water, breakfast foods for your hotel room, and snacks for days designated to traveling between cities. 12 A  VOID EXPENSIVE TOURIST TRAPS. Talk to the concierge to find yummy local favorites.