3. Sales promotions Values range from 0 to 6 and are assigned according to the scheme below. The final score consists of the scores for each type of sales promotions: end-of-season sales (20%), end-of-business sales (20%), other regulations on sales promotions (20%), sales below cost (20%) and promotional games (20%). CHARACTERISTIC End-of-seasons sales SCORE Accumulation of points the restrictions observed (they might occur simultaneously): 3 points for notification obligation; 1.5 points for restrictions on discounts prior to or outside end-of-season sales (e.g., on quantity or duration); 1 point for restrictions on announcing price reductions prior to end-of-season sales; 0.5 point for prohibition to discount if products purchased during certain period before end-of- season sales; 0 points for no specific rules on end-of-season sales. End-of-business sales One of the following situations occurs: Other regulations on sales promotions • 6 points for authorisation requirement; • 4 points for notification requirement; • 2 points for self-assessment; • 0 points for no specific rules on end-of-business sales • Accumulation of points for any of the restrictions observed (they might co- occur): • 0.5 point for any restriction Sales below costs One of the following situations occurs: Promo games • 6 points if banned completely; • 4 points if exceptions with authorisation requirement; • 2 points if exceptions; • 0 points if allowed One of the following situations occurs: • 6 points if a license is required; • 4 points if authorisation/permission is needed and further requirements are imposed; • 3 points if notification is needed; • 2 points if there is no need in announcement, but rules and conditions of such campaign should be clearly defined and cannot be changed during the campaign; • 1 point if there are no specific rules, but some products cannot participate in promo games • 0 points if there are no particular rules 4. Retail-specific taxes and fees The assessment looks into the retail-specific taxes and fees, taking into account their coverage and the basis for calculation. CHARACTERISTIC Two different types of taxes or a double basis for calculation SCORE 6 points One type of tax/fee or limited coverage (big stores or food retail) 3 points No tax/fee 0 points 30