ANNEX 2. DESCRIPTION OF SCORING APPROACH The values assigned to each indicator range from 0 to 6 points, where 0 indicates the least and 6 the most restrictive regulations. 4.1.1. INDICATORS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT PILLAR 1. Requirements for establishment linked to size This question assesses the specific authorisation requirements connected to the size of the planned outlet. The requirements are ranked according to their restrictiveness, from the least restrictive (rank 1) to the most restrictive one (rank 6). CHARACTERISTIC Ban with exceptions or limited to certain shops or a few regions (above a certain size threshold, it is not possible to establish a retail outlet, but derogations exist, e.g., for certain areas or certain types of shops) RANK Rank 6 Retail-specific authorisation plus (additional requirements, Impact Assessments, conformity with plans, a more complex procedure such as a special committee) Rank 4.8 Retail-specific authorisation or a sequential system for location, or a particular procedure (the retailer needs to apply for a retail authorisation, but the process is relatively straightforward) Rank 3.6 Notification/ Authorisation simple (the retailer needs to apply for authorisation, but the procedure is relatively simple (e.g. does not require an opinion of a special committee and it is not a retail-specific authorisation) when the shop complies with the local plans Rank 2.4 Simple notification (there is no authorisation procedure, the retailer notifies the establishment to the relevant authorities, there are no additional requirements) Rank 1.2 The procedures are assessed for 6 outlet size categories: 0 - 499 m 2 , 500 - 999 m 2 , 1,000 – 2,499 m 2 , 2,500 – 4,999 m 2 , 5,000 – 9,999 m 2 and greater than 10,000 m 2 . The results per country are then computed depending on the type of requirement in each of the size categories. For each size category, the relevant requirement is identified. If the requirement applies to the whole size category, 1 point is attributed; if the size threshold above which the requirement changes differ from the given categories, the relevant proportion of points is attributed. The final score is a sum of the scores given for the coverage of each requirement among the six threshold categories multiplied by the importance score (rank) of each requirement. 2. Location-specific rules The assessment takes into account the presence of regulatory requirements for a particular location of an outlet, mainly city centre and outside the city centre. The scoring does not differentiate between regulations specific to the city centre and provisions specific to the periphery. CHARACTERISTIC Existence of requirement specific to the location SCORE 6 points No requirement specific to location 0 points 26