Resonate Issue 26 | Page 2

15 MINUTES WITH JACINTA What inspires you about mission among your friends? How has your relationship with God changed over the years? The main thing that encourages me to be an example of Jesus with my friends is the thought that we might get to spend eternity together with Him! I love my friends and want the best for them, but, I admit I have trouble speaking up about Jesus. It sometimes scares me. I’m so grateful that it’s a team effort with the Holy Spirit. When I was younger, I viewed God as a hero figure that could do amazing miracles and used incredible people to do His work. More recently I’ve asked myself ‘If God can use all these people in the Bible, what’s stopping Him from using me?’ I want to move out of my comfort zone because when deciding to change things up and do things differently, I become uncomfortable, and that discomfort pushes me to draw closer to God. What are some of your passions? Jacinta, aged 16, is a proud red-head who loves design, movie watching and surfing. She also has a passion for working with younger kids and making people laugh. And, she loves reading Resonate magazine and was stoked to contribute to this edition. TIPS for dealing with change MEET THE b h g i e N s r ou As a child growing up in a large town, Rima lived with her mother and grandmother, while her father lived with his second wife in another town. She was expected to accompany her grandmother to the Wat (temple) every week. They sat quietly on the floor with their hands in a prayer position for an hour listening to a monk chanting in a different dialect to the common Khmer language. She watched her grandmother *pseudonym I love art, graphic design and basically anything that involves making things look pretty! I believe that God has given me this passion and gift of creativity. I am so excited to think about the opportunities He has in store for using my gifts for His glory. We are focusing on transitions and change in this edition – how do you respond to change? I can’t say I’m a real pro in dealing with change. It can downright stress me out, especially when it takes me by surprise. I find researching helps. For example, when I moved schools I found out all I could about the new school so on my first day I held onto the things I knew, which helped me deal with the differences. And your understanding of mission? Going overseas to a country you I couldn’t pronounce, living in grass huts and sitting cross-legged teaching people about Jesus was what popped into mind when I heard the word ‘mission’ as a kid. However my understanding has changed since I was six! I believe we are all called to mission, even if it doesn’t involve travelling overseas. Mission is something that comes naturally with loving God. It involves loving others and being prepared to share the hope we have. talk be positive rely on god Tell family and friends about the change you’re experiencing so you’re not dealing with it alone. Reflect on all the positive outcomes that have occurred and helped you through the change. Being thankful enables us to see God in all situations. Know that even though we experience change, God doesn’t change and he is a firm foundation. Global Interaction cross-cultural worker Janelle Windus gives us a glimpse into the life of Rima*, one of her neighbours in Cambodia. and others give money to the monk with the hope of receiving merit and having a better next life. They could not afford to give much, but they believed the more money they gave, the more merit they would receive. Rima often wondered how Khmer people would know this merit would help make their next life better, since they don’t know what their situation was in their past life. But she was expected to believe this, and respectfully do the same. Over time Rima questioned the Buddhist teachings which allowed her mind to be open to other teachings. So when Global Interaction cross-cultural workers began to share about the God who created the universe and offers love and grace, it made sense to her, and she chose to trust in Jesus with her heart and follow His teachings. She continues to go the Wat with her grandmother, however she chooses to pray to God the Father there rather than to Buddha or ancestral spirits.