Resonate Edition 33 | Page 9

FOUR SESSION BIBLE STUDY Grow where you’re planted, sow where He calls. Each of us are planted in a particular place and community. Here, wherever we are, God is calling us to grow in Him and in likeness of Jesus. We are to commit to the community we are planted in, sowing into it and the lives of the people around us. However, this doesn’t mean God will keep us planted in the same place forever. As active followers of Jesus, seeking His leading and growing to be more like Him… we may just find ourselves being called elsewhere or to sow into another community. In this four session series, Lisa West-Newman explores the theme of ‘Grow where you’re planted, sow where He calls.’ This Bible study reflects on passages of scripture alongside a powerful video series that shares the stories of local believers one of our cross-cultural teams is journeying with. Lisa, and her husband Steve, served with the Global Interaction team in Cambodia for nine years and Lisa is now the QLD Young Adults Consultant.