Resonate Edition 32 | Page 6

Doing Life Together Tim and Melanie have just celebrated their 10 year anniversary of serving among the Yawo of Malawi and their 21 year anniversary of doing life together as husband and wife. Here they share a bit of their story together. Melanie Years ago when we were doing our first Global Interaction orientation training, we completed a Myer-Briggs personality / temperament test. At the end you get labelled as a peacock or a dove or some strange letter combination which allows others to better relate to you. At the end of this test, it was reported that Tim and I were dangerously close in our results. The test facilitator looked nervously at the readout, according to the statistics we were not compatible. Both of us have strong personalities and are extraverted leaders with teaching and apostolic giftings. If opposites attract, then we weren’t playing by the rules! Tim and I have just celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary, which just shows that statistics can be wrong. When you get the Tim and Mel combination, you get a double barrel shot gun! We work together side by side in battle. Not a battle against each other, but a battle against all that comes our way to steal, kill and destroy so that we can live life and life to the full. This has been our story in mission. Innovation, taking risks, thinking on our feet and doing things that haven’t been done before. Tim Mel and I both come from missionary families who believed that serving God is what life is all about. So often our missiology (theology of mission) and ministry comes out of experience rather than a textbook. God was preparing us to serve in Malawi years before we knew anything about it. Ten years into the journey of sharing Jesus with the Yawo of Malawi, Mel and I realise that as much as God works through you He is also working in you. We have a richness of life that only comes with knowing we are where God has called us to be. Our highs are high and our lows are very low, but we know without a doubt that He who has called us is faithful. We have watched our children grow up in a very difficult environment, yet they shine. We have worked through life-threatening situations only to see His angels protect us. We have felt alone, crushed and ready to give up only to see the silver lining of hope emerge in the clouds. Mel loves Jesus more than she loves me, but I’m ok with that because He chose me to be her partner. God is a good, loving Father who has an amazing plan for our lives and has so much to teach us if we are willing to obey. What a joy to be on an adventure with a wife who believes and lives this as much as I do!