Resonate Edition 30 | Page 6

Dave (50 something) is a long-termer. In fact, he’s been part of the Global Interaction family for almost 20 years, and S.I Team Leader in South East Asia. Andy (20 something) is a short-termer serving as part of the S.I team, learning language and culture and discerning a call to cross-cultural mission. Here they share what they are learning from each other and God as they work side-by-side. DAVE ANDY Andy and I enjoy getting together – though we keep very different hours. I send him texts during the day, and I often get replies around 1am! My life tends to be fairly regimented in terms of time, whereas his is much more spontaneous. Being part of a team that has a cross-section of generations is a great privilege. Personally, one of my favourite things about being part of a team is the ability for people older than me to share wisdom and offer guidance. Some years ago I was in a similar position to Andy – getting my first cross-cultural experience as a single young man in a country vastly different to Australia. I enjoyed the freedom to ride around on my motorbike meeting new people, exploring different kinds of ministries, staying up late talking to new friends, eating at questionable roadside stalls … and paying the consequences. As someone who is relatively new to the cross-cultural mission scene, the guidance of people like Dav e is invaluable as I dive into culture and language, as well as understand more clearly how we ‘do’ mission in our location. Living life alongside him has been inspiring as I continually see his commitment to the people we serve among. I guess largely because of my previous experience, I’ve tried to give Andy the same kinds of freedom to explore and experience new things. I’m amazed at the opportunities God has opened up for him. I’m excited to see his humble, learning attitude and how he has grown in this new world. Most of all, it has been inspiring to see his faith grow along with his passion to see the least-reached come into a relationship with Jesus. As a young man, I needed someone to help me reflect on the things I was learning and experiencing. Hopefully I’m filling that kind of role for Andy now. We enjoy sitting down together and debriefing what he has been learning, what he is feeling, what God is saying to him. It is fantastic to see his excitement and passion. I look forward to being a part of what God has in store for Andy over the coming years, even if it does involve 1am text messages. resonate · issue 30 · page 5 I’ve really appreciated Dav e's guidance as he has helped me explore cross-cultural ministry, as well as discern the leading of God in and throughout this time. Although I should warn you, don’t be fooled by his gentler manner! Dav e ’s not afraid to ask the big questions that will have you pondering the possibilities for days. I love to see Dav e interact with the local people as his passion and desire for them to meet Jesus shines through. He is teaching me to meet people at their place of need, face challenges head on and deeply care for the people God sends his way. I couldn’t ask for a better example of what it means to serve God cross-culturally with passion and faith!