Resonate Edition 29 | Page 10

Session 4

It seems that relationship after relationship has broken down in the Samaritan woman ’ s life and her social status has been diminished . We don ’ t know the precise details of why these things happen but considering the honour and shame-focused culture she lived in , it is likely that her opportunity for stability , income , housing , security and social standing was obliterated after each divorce . She was socially ostracised . She resorts to collecting water , alone , in the heat of the day .
Jesus knows all this about her and begins to reveal His true nature to her . He tells her that He is indeed the living water , the hope and satisfaction in life that she is seeking . In revealing His knowledge of her life , He shows Himself to be at least a prophet but more than that , He openly admits His divinity as the expected Christ .
Despite his knowledge of who she is Jesus still offers her living water . He still seeks her and wants her to know that she is not too-far gone for God . God in Christ has not given up . He loves her still and calls her to a transformed life in Him .
Think about it
Do you consider yourself to be too-far gone for God ? If you do , this is not true . Jesus is seeking you and calling you to Himself . Can you imagine Jesus sitting there with you as you drink a cup of water , calling you to His all-satisfying living water ?
As a believer , do you ever feel ostracised ? How do you deal with situations where you are not being respected or understood because of your beliefs ?
When you ’ ve been struggling with your faith and relationship with Jesus what do you do ? Are you aware that Christ is actually right beside you , not giving up on you ?
Live it
No one is too-far gone from God . Are there people you can think of who have lost hope ? Is it time to talk with them and encourage them in their life with Jesus ?
Pray to God , laying down your own struggles , needs and wants , and taste and see that the Lord is good ! Drink from His living water . Pray for others who seem to be struggling too .
Watch episode two of Global Interaction ’ s MOVED series , seeing the way in which God has transformed the lives of people through his calling into mission . www . globalinteraction . org . au / MOVED
The transformation of people ' s lives is for all cultures . Select one of Global Interaction ’ s nine people groups and find out more about what makes their culture unique . Consider how the Gospel of living water might transform their lives . resonate · issue 29 · page 10