Resonate Edition 27 | Page 7

week 1 Time to get our hands dirty “THE HARVEST IS PLENTIFUL, BUT THE LABOURERS ARE FEW. THEREFORE PRAY EARNESTLY TO THE LORD OF THE HARVEST TO SEND OUT LABOURERS INTO HIS HARVEST.”  introduction  read As Jesus commissions His followers to take the Kingdom of God to the towns and villages in the region He begins by explaining what is ahead of them. They are few, but who need to hear this message are many. Their role is an important part in bringing about the Kingdom of God. They are people sent by Jesus himself. LUKE 10:1-3 After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to go. And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest. Go your way; behold I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves.” In these few verses we see that: ›› Jesus sends believers into their wider community to witness to the Kingdom of God. ›› There is a desperate need for people to commit to being a worker in the ‘harvest’. ›› God wants us to pray for people to take up the task of working for the Kingdom. ›› Those already working in the harvest are in a vulnerable position.  discuss/reflect 1. How does this moment of ‘sending out’ either challenge or confirm your view of mission? 2. In what areas of your community are you a ‘labourer’? 3. Set an alarm on your watch/phone for 10:02 (as in Luke 10:02) each day and pray Jesus’ prayer. As we pray for workers we must be aware that we might just be the answer to our own prayers. resonate · issue 27 · page 7