Resonate Edition 27 | Page 15

DIG IT Wake Up and Watch I WONDER HOW OFTEN JESUS CALLS US TO BE AWARE OF WHAT HE IS DOING AROUND US. This reminded me of my favourite Doctor Who t-shirt which says, “I might look like I’m listening to you but in my head I’m travelling through space and time.” Giving people our full attention these days is not easy, is it? W hen my daughter was two she loved to talk and talk. One day she was chatting away and I did that thing many parents do. I let my mind wander far far away, while muttering things like, “uh huh”, “really?” and “how interesting”. My daughter stopped talking and then a couple of minutes later asked, “Daddy what does the word ignoring mean?” H ey, get a load of this, I'm doing something pretty amazing over here. It reminds me of a story in the Bible where Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, preparing to face death on to a cross. His soul is overwhelmed with anguish (sweat like drops of blood fell to the ground!). He gathered his mates Peter, James and John and asked them to keep watch. They fell asleep. He woke them and asked them again. They fell asleep. He checked again and they were again asleep. Understandably, Jesus was upset. “Wake up! Couldn’t you men keep watch for one hour?!” Maybe they were too exhausted. They’d just had a big meal, bread and wine – maybe their communion cups were bigger than the fairy-sized ones in my church. Maybe they were willing and committed but simply incapable of hanging in there. Maybe they didn’t care. They mustn’t have realised the seriousness and importance of what Jesus was asking. Come and see me bring transformation to this relationship. Jesus had good reasons for them to be aware to what was going on. God was about to make his Big Move and Jesus was right in the thick of it. He longed for their attention and companionship. I wonder how often Jesus calls us to be aware of what He is doing around us. Can you recall or imagine Him prompting, “Hey, get a load of this, I’m doing something pretty amazing over here”, or “Come and see me bring transformation to this relationship”, or “Join me in bringing hope to that community”? Sadly, we’re also likely to hear the disappointment in His words, “Wake up! Pay attention! Couldn’t you keep watch?!” How often are we too tired, too distracted or too ambivalent to give Jesus our attention? Peter, James and John didn’t have a copy of Resonate to refer to, but you do! These tips might help you be attentive to Jesus’ promptings. ›› Check your priorities. Jesus urges his friends not to worry about things like food, drink or clothes. Being consumed by materialism takes us away from the stuff that matters. ›› Carve out time for undistracted, focused prayer. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” ›› Meditate on the Bible, learn about its context and journal its application. ›› Ask your Christian friends questions like, “What do you reckon Jesus is saying to you?” ›› Look for opportunities to love people around you (and those far away… this is a mission mag after all!) REV ROB TANNER resonate · issue 27 · page 15