Resonate Edition 27 | Page 14

doing life together Sydney siders and teenage sweethearts Paul and Naomi are in the thick of preparations to serve in cross-cultural mission. They take some time to share with us their love of God, each other and those who don’t know Jesus. Paul Naomi and I met at church just after I hit high school and rocked up as the new PK (pastor’s kid) in a country town. It was all the way back in the mid nineties. Forget playlists on iTunes and Spotify, making mix-tapes with subtle “I really like you” messages was how it was done back then. It was the classic story of the older brother falling for his little sister’s bestie. In many ways Naomi and I are very different. I’m extroverted, she’s introverted. She loves times of complete peace and quiet, I think life should have an endless soundtrack. She’s level headed in a crisis, I tend to panic. The list could go on. But we have so much in common too. We both enjoy camping and exploring new places, we both appreciate having a good chat with people over a meal and we both love Jesus and want to follow Him wherever He calls us. Our journey into long-term cross-cultural work has been more than ten years in the making. Our hearts were opened to this possibility during an overseas trip, before we were engaged. We stood on a rooftop in China and as we looked out over the city we said to God, “if you call, we are willing”. Naomi and I have enjoyed working in childcare, software engineering and pastoral ministry, we’ve had two wonderfully energetic and cheeky kids and we’re currently completing studies at Morling College. Throughout all of this, God has been constantly prompting, shaping and guiding us. While we’re not sure which country we’ll be living in yet, we are convinced that He is calling Naomi and I to step out together into the unknown. I’m glad to have her by my side. resonate · issue 27 · page 14 Naomi Paul and I met when his Dad became the pastor of my church. Despite being only 12 (and his terrible 90’s bowl haircut!), I had a crush on him and four years later we started dating. I remember receiving his mix-tapes: one was all lovey-dovey songs and another was a hard rock compilation, just so that I knew he was cool. Paul has the amazing ability to connect with and relate to a wide range of people, putting them at ease and developing friendships fast. I’m not all that comfortable in large groups ق