Residential Estate Industry Journal | Page 75

INDUSTRY FOCUS PAGE 75 HUMAN RESOURCES FeatherbrookE Estate Workforce Management organisation. The estate management need to Drivers and vehicle license disc and identity document scanners Workforce management is a new idea but perform the same functions as a company but relies heavily on relatively mature concepts takes the employees from various companies such as access control, time, attendance and and does the vetting and management of identity management. those personnel whilst they are in the estate. a great start towards winning the battle How do we achieve this? against criminal syndicates. It is not everyone Security estates provides a more secure A number of these systems exist and it is that can afford good quality forged identity environment for a resident to live in. The Identity management management and staff of the estate takes The modern face of the criminal is one of a responsibility this bold, confident and audacious individual. They heightened security and put mechanisms in perform criminal acts in broad daylight and If applied correctly, these systems are also place that delivers more secure conditions. in full view of the victims they have targeted. able to identify forged documents. for the provision of documents so a certain level of criminal will be eliminated by the use of this technology. Criminal syndicates are organised and often The challenge for estate management is that the people entering the estate are from all walks of life and there is little or no control on the vetting of these people. So for example, an unscrupulous contractor can employ a criminal and allow that criminal to enter the estate to perform the jobs that he is employed for. That same criminal is now in the estate and has relative freedom to perform criminal acts. Often the estate management depends on others to have done the vetting of personnel that enter the estate. The risk of criminal elements being introduced into the estate if this situation is management in the The barcode identity document scanners are have extensive networks and information able to lift the information that is imprinted gatherers. inside the barcode on the ID or drivers licence card. Part of that information is the With perimeter equipment and becoming building very security efficient, the photograph that is printed on the front of the card. modern criminal has changed their tactics, and very successfully at that. The lower quality and the more abundant forged ID cards and documents are simply How can we protect ourselves in the face of stolen cards that have had the photograph this new threat? To start with, we need to on the front of the card replaced. If access own our space and we need to perform acts control officers are provided with the correct that reclaim the control of access onto our CCTV equipment and the effective training in properties. the use of these systems, they are able to identify these forged cards. We need to be able to identify, as best secure estate community is different from a large as possible in this new age of technological The other professionally forged ID card is advances, each and every person who enters allowed to continue is extremely high. Workforce have excellent access to information. They done by staff within Home Affairs. An innocent our space. The more identity determining person’s identity is stolen and the criminal’s technologies we use the more effective we photo is included in the barcode of the card will be to defend against this modern criminal. as well as on the front of the card. This is