Residential Estate Industry Journal | Page 59

Public Policies PAGE 59 the PPP will be proposed as an approved public responsible for their own home security. The RCC policy for the industry, in the form of a special opposes any groups challenging the rights of a resolution. HOA in regard to how the HOA applies these standards. RCC encourages all communities and 6. If approved by special resolution, the approved their security service providers to implement public policy will be formally disseminated by the standard operating procedures and emergency council by communication to all members and procedures in the community. The RCC opposes stakeholders in an appropriate form. the use of security providers who are unregistered. 7. Should the PPP not be approved by special resolution, the council may reject the proposal 3. Financial controls, budgets and reserves outright, or it may recirculate the proposal to the RCC believes it is imperative for all community working committees for further deliberation and associations to adopt and use a financial planning recommendation based on advised modification. and budget process that accurately reflects Procedures for the Adoption of Public Policies by Each Member HOA (Homeowners’ Association) projected annual operating costs and long-term capital or major expenses (‘reserves’) and results in a balanced budget. RCC believes that the developer and developer-controlled board should prepare and disclose the initial budget to ensure 1. Proposed public policies are received from accurate estimation of projected operating costs the RCC and reserves. RCC also supports full and open 2. Public policies are reviewed by the board disclosure to owners and the opportunity for 3. The policies are adopted by the signing of the participation by owners in the development of policy and joining the RCC the budget. Furthermore, RCC opposes laws that would mandate how community associations Executive Summary of Public Policies fund and maintain their reserves. 4. Risk management and insurance 1. Access of visitors, contractors, guests and the ‘general public’ RCC supports the right of a RCC supports the implementation and maintenance of an effective risk management homeowners’ programme by all member communities, which association (HOA) to control access to the can be best achieved if associations and their community whether roads are deemed to be governing boards work with recognised community private or public. RCC opposes access controls association professionals. RCC believes that a that are in conflict with the constitutional rights comprehensive association insurance programme of citizens and encourages the use of proper must focus on meeting a broad range of legal signage and other means to advise all visitors of requirements while recognising that the governing their obligations while in the community. board acts as the ‘trustee’ of the owners in insurance matters. This programme (collectively 2. Security protocols, standard operating procedures and emergency procedures known as/covering risk management and insurance) requires that risks of loss be fully evaluated and that funding for such loss (whether RCC supports the implementation of the highest by commercial insurance or self-insurance) is possible security standards within budgetary completely analysed. constraints homeowners and supports living within the a principle that community are